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Vedic Astrology Readings & Remedies
Understand Your Unique Life Path & Become Empowered with Personal Remedies
Birt Chart Report
Vedic Astrology Readings and Remedies
The Answers You are Seeking are Seeking You
How do Vedic Astrology Readings Support You?
They are Life Maps that Bring Clarity and Answers about Your Life Walk by...

Revealing Truths about Your Life that can be Hard to Understand on Your Own

Shows You Where You will Struggle & Where You will Have Challenges

Pointing to Where You will have Blessings and Ease in Your Life

Explains What Your Life Purpose is & What Vocation Will Fulfil You the Most

Gives Clarity to Your Relationships & Understanding to Various Dynamics

Supports Solutions and Remedies to Transform Yourself and Your Life

Why Would You Chose this Type of Analysis?
No matter what you are seeking to know, whether it is calling in your life partner,
aligning with your true vocation/career, looking to resolve discordant relationships that may be occurring with friends, family or co-workers, all of this is shown in a chart

Where there are issues there are also remedies or solutions, that will help to
clear away and balance the areas where it matters most, by bringing in happiness and balance to your life through methods that support your alignment & life flow

Whether you're drawn to the work from a desire to understand yourself further;
to get clarity on your life purpose; Find your right life partner or understand the issues blocking you from attracting in a healthy relationship; These reports will explain all of these areas
of your life and more through these life changing understandings
Birth Natal Chart
Life Purpose Chart
Financial Chart
Chart Remedies

D1 (Rashi) Birth Natal - Main and Most Important Chart - All Life Lessons and Karmas

D9 (Navamsa) Chart that Becomes Activated in Mid 30's / New Life Lessons & Inner Self

D10 (Dasamsa) Life Purpose Chart, Revealing Your Best Career/Vocation/Dharma Focus

Remedies - Move Through Your Karmic Hurdles with Customized Solutions
Exciting New and Specialized Offering
Relationship Compatibility Report - Detailing Everything that Will
Occur Between Yourself and Another Person; From the Karma's You Will be Working
on Together, How You Will Be Sexually with Each Other, If You Have the Markers
for Marriage or for a Longterm Commitment and More...
Option 1 - 1 Hour Reading $179 CAD
Option 2 - 1.5 Hour Reading $229 CAD
Option 3 - Remedies Report - 1 Hour $99 CAD
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