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Relationship Compatibility & Solutions

Solve Relationship Issues & Find Out if a Relationship Match will be Made in Heaven 

Find Your Relationship Match Made in Heaven 

If you Want to know if you have Found a Long Term Heavenly Match;
What Issues Might Be Present Within a Connection You Feel Pulled to "or"
If You're Looking for Solutions To Solve and Smooth out the Tough Stuff  
Then this Relationship Compatibility Report
Will Be For You








This Compatibility Report will
Clarify all of the Following Questions & More...


In this report you will learn


  If you have a Core Connection for Relationship Success

  The way you can expect to Relate to One Another

  The Hidden Strengths and Weaknesses you bring to each other

  If you have Soulmate Indicators

  The amount of Karmic Glue you have​

  If you have Danger Meters

   Who you will Be to One Another

  If your connection will activate Co-Dependency

  If your Life Purposes are aligned

   If it will feel like your Relationship Flows

   If there will be a Strong Devotion  to one another

   What Life Experiences the relationship will bring

   If there will be Mutual Affinity towards one another

   How your Health will be in the connection

   If there will be Intensity or a Balanced Energy in the connection

   How your Sexual Chemistry will be

   If you will go through the same Life Lessons at the same time

   The Personal Baggage each person will bring to the Relationship

   If Fate is on your side


& Most Importantly "Solutions to Solve Relationship Issues"



Danielle Segal

I had a compatibility report done for a relationship that has been in my life for several years.
The relationship always seemed extremely powerful, yet struggled to give me a sense of safety or reassurance, despite the length of time incurred together.
The AHA moments have been plentiful and the awareness that I I now have about this other person (and my own patterns with this person) have been eye opening.
I spent years misunderstanding the relationship and in the very short time since I've had this report done, I have experienced a huge shift in mindset and expectations with this person and feel less confused and hurt by the interactions that I used to feel 

Paige Martin

Cataya creates a kind and empathetic space for deep exploration and understanding. I always leave feeling aligned and grounded.
She recently did a relationship chart which was spot on and offered comfort and understanding of how to best strengthen this relationship moving forward.

Elizabeth Goldsworthy

Cataya did a relationship compatibility report for myself and the person I have been in a relationship with for some time.
The report brought clarity to the areas where I have been confused and where there have been some struggles. 
She also brought forward ways to work with these differences which has been very helpful and many ways in how to work with the area where we show up very differently in who we are. 
I have not come across a report like this before that has been this comprehensive and clarifying. I could immediately understand the areas that she referred to, with such precision that has brought relief and understanding to me. 

Relationship Compatibility Report

Full Report Given over a 1.5 Hour Recorded Zoom Call $229


Relationship Roadblocks and Remedies

What blocks and issues are you bringing into your relationships


Relationship Roadblocks and Remedies

When we learn what karma we bring to relationships we have the ability to change it

Healthy and Successful Relationships Start with Ourselves

Have you noticed the same patterns
occurring over and over again in your relationships?

Or that your relationships just don't
work out 
and it seems to be for the same reasons?

If this is the case, you want to get to the underlying
reasons to why you are attracting in these types of relationships

...and more importantly how to break the karmic
cycles within yourself to attract in a health and aligned partner



In this Report you will learn and be given...

     A Comprehensive List to all of the Relationship Roadblock Yogas Interfering with or Preventing You from Being In/Finding Your Heavenly & Flourishing Match

There are 22 Possible Relationship Blocking Yogas that can interfere 
with Divine Partnering. In this Report you will learn which one's you have


     A comprehensive list to all of the Relationship Roadblock Markers that maybe preventing you from Being In/or Finding Your Heavenly & Flourishing Match

There are 50 Possible Relationship Blocking Markers that can interfere 
with Divine Partnering. In this Report you will learn which one's you have


     Relationship Roadblocks Remedies Report, to Shift Your Karmic Patterns & Change how you show up in Relationships & the Type of Relationships you Attract 

This is a Personalized Report based on the Roadblocks in your chart


All of this Knowledge Comes from the Two Most Comprehensive Ancient
Methods and a Modern Method of Compatibility Analysis that stems from Eastern Vedic Jyotish Astrology that Explaining Everything that will Occur Between Two People   


Relationship Roadblocks Report Options

Full Report Given over a 1.5 Hour Recorded Zoom Call  $229
 Remedies Report for Solutions to Resolve Roadblocks $99


To Learn More or Find out Which Report is Right for You

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